Hidden Maps Loophole
Siphons You Money
Every Time Local
Businesses Make A Sale!
By Chad Kimball
(100% Legal, Businesses Love This!)
Grab Your Seat Now! Next Class Starts In:
What People are Saying About Chad's Programs
half million dollar in sales a year
Hey Chaddo been following you for some time with your blog. Wanted to day thank you for your google local shares. I was able to create a party company that is doing about half million dollar in sales a year. A lot of that marketing was from you or you inspired it and i ran with it and other ideas. For some reason it doesn't show friend request for me to add. If you can request it so i can follow you.
Miami, Mike!
Was Able To Generate Several Thousand Dollars
I've had a pretty good response from Google Maps Cash. It took a little time for me to get it running (I'm not very good with technology) but it got me on Page 1 of Google for several accounts. The best one was for a local retailer who had three stores in my home town. The owner was quite happy with what he said was a threefold influx of traffic in his stores and credited many sales to the incremental traffic. The account is an affiliate of mine that has 200 stores and an online store.
I've also tried it for another affiliate and was able to generate several thousand dollars so far in a grey hat situation.
Bottom line--it's working for me and I've made money on it and will continue to work it
Over $2,400!
I will be honest to tell you that my expectations before
getting Google Maps Cash is that it would enhance my existing efforts, and it absolutely did. The program did improve my sales numbers and exposure.
I have a ton of previous experience and the techniques that Chad gives can and do work . It is a bit overwhelming in that there is a lot of information and you could get a bit confused about where to start. My suggestion is give it time. (implement one technique a month until you master it) I think Google Maps Cash does deliver on it's promises and if it is used regularly can 100% improve your business.
Just one affiliate site I own went from an average of $1,200 per month to over $2,400 . The key here is product. So don't judge on $, judge on traffic. You must implement the entire program and that can be exhausting if you are not up to it. But being someone who is highly involved in internet marketing and approaches it as a business (not a pastime or hobby) You get out of it what you put in and I would bet most people are passive and want instant results.
Some results are quick and some you have to work on depending on your niche.
I highly recommend Google Maps Cash to people who are willing to work it. It works!

Closest Thing to Winning the Lottery That I Have Ever Experienced
You shouldn't buy this unless you are ready for a stampede of traffic.
I know that sounds like a come-on but I am just giving you fair warning from my experience.
I have bought several products on traffic generation but they took a lot of work and brought little results.
I had a product that was making me a little money off of what little traffic I could get since it was a competitive product. (I'm talking around $75 a month)
Although I haven't had much success with internet marketing before, I purchased the course and followed the instructions.
It is not a magic wand to success, there is some work involved but this is the closest thing to winning the lottery that I have ever experienced.
I used the product I had experience with and spent a week putting the course into practice and waited. After a month or so I was surprised to find out I was making around $1,000 a month off that one little site.
You can get to the top of page 1 in Google for a lot of keywords (but not all) with this product in a short amount of time. But you do have to put in some work. If you are looking for a magic wand, this is not for you.
I am working on expanding this to many more sites and I am forever grateful to Chad Kimball for creating this course.

Tony Lorenzo
Cedartown, GA
Was Able To Generate
Several Thousand Dollars
I've had a pretty good response from Google Maps Cash. It took a little time for me to get it running (I'm not very good with technology) but it got me on Page 1 of Google for several accounts. The best one was for a local retailer who had three stores in my home town. The owner was quite happy with what he said was a threefold influx of traffic in his stores and credited many sales to the incremental traffic. The account is an affiliate of mine that has 200 stores and an online store.
I've also tried it for another affiliate and was able to generate several thousand dollars so far in a grey hat situation.
Bottom line--it's working for me and I've made money on it and will continue to work it

Now doing Google maps
business listing for just shy of 500 different franchise owners all over the United States.
You Have Literally Changed My Life With This Program!
I've been using your system now for a couple of months. Your Google maps information is not only very informative but also dead on!
I started by watching the entire series completely through once first to get a better understanding, I then went back through the video lessons one at a time, only this time applying each technique as I went.
My first Local business is owned by a friend of mine who owns a franchise in a major corporate national chain who agreed to let me use his business as my test pilot.
With-in a few days of me creating his "new" business listing, Google merged the two ( as you predicted might happen) with the local business listing that had previously been in existence set up by the corp. home office or Google,not sure which.
Wow did I about have a cow right then and there. Fortunately Google rewarded me the new listing, I'm guessing because I had totally fleshed it out as per your instructions and it appeared to be the most relevant of the two.
Since then, approximately two months later, not only did the new Maps listing become prominent , but we have managed to take over- "Dominate" the first two pages of the natural search results for 7 different keyword phrases locally in his city. Imagine not having a competing company show up for two pages.
Just for those of you who might still be skeptical as to whether or not you can earn money providing this as a "paid for" service to local business owners, I finish with telling you about how it has gone from a test pilot with one store to now doing Google maps local business listing for just shy of 500 different franchise owners of this company all over the United States.
Chad, You and your brother have literally changed my life with this program. I am now a stay at home father of two teenage boys and have left the company I have worked for the last 15 years to pursue my new found love and career helping local business owners build there businesses.
One of the best parts is the feeling of appreciation from the owners who I am servicing, they real love it!
I can't find the words to express my gratitude enough to you both, Thank You!
To Your Success!

Brad Bellamy
81 Year Old Marketer--I used Your SystemImmediately No. 1 For My Area!(This is not an easy keyword.)
There is not many people who I can say to them, “I look forward to your emails.” For you, I can say this.
My name is Ralph Morton an 81 year old marketer, I tell you this because I want to say I admire the way you do business.
I have learned so much, too much I have to say, for it is a lot to take in.
However, I know your Google maps works and anything you come up with next is going to be appreciated. I know the maps for sure works.
Fortunately, my site has what you say is important to make the Google maps work... so I just used your system and I was immediately No.1 for my area. Not only for the town I live in, but the towns within 60 or 70 miles.
Well, No.1 for the town I live in, not No.1 (but darned close to it) for the rest of the towns.
This is not an easy keyword. This is what amazes me. Now you understand why I am excited.
Try [keyword removed] Surrey, Vancouver. Well, Vancouver is a big city. I am on the second page in North Vancouver, Coquitlam, Burnaby, Abbotsford. There are other towns around but I haven’t had time to check.
Sure suprized me how well it worked.

Ralph Morton
New Media Writer
OMG this really is more like 3 courses rolled into one
Once again Chad and Seth have really over-delivered quality information on their topic. As a working SEO consultant I can confirm that this is absolutely the best and most thorough course on Google places ever produced. Much of the information contained within, I have until now only wished was possible, but never had the time to figure out for myself. Thankfully I now just need to apply these shortcuts rather than stumble along trying to figure them out myself. This is a HUGE time-saving and would more than justify a much higher price for this course.
Happily Chad’s style of teaching takes you step by step through all the stages needed to achieve similar results, and simplifies a somewhat complex method so that it is, for the most part easy to follow and implement. All this at a pace that makes the learning interesting and understandable.
The main thing is that if you just follow the steps (in the order that Chad lays out) you will achieve fantastic results and most importantly not be penalized for making (in the eyes of Google) mistakes.
This is the 4th product I’ve purchased and so far each one has made me (and the IRS) richer and continue to do so. I already know this course will be no exception and quite possibly better the previous ones.
Lastly I can also confirm (personal experience) that Chad and Seth’s customer support is superb (7 days a week) and they quickly sorted out a payment problem for me (no they did not pay for me so that I was able to purchase this course, whilst at the same time thanking me –
Great Product + Good Customer Support + 365 Day Guarantee + Affordably Cheap Price = No Brainer to buy!!!!

John Macdonald
Only Took Two Days!
I applied your training with my first "approach"... in a VERY competitive keyword .and ..I just pulled up Google to check AND THERE I AM! It took only two days!
I've purchased your Option 1 Full Training and have just started viewing the training .I am excited to see where this takes my business
I am truly excited about the "possibilities" with this..
Thank you Chad!

Vince Ilardi
Atlanta GA
All Have #1 Spot!
Clients Are Happy, Phones Are Ringing!
I've used his google maps techniques now for 4 clients, all now have #1 spot in the 10 box and one has achieved the ONE box. Clients are happy, their phones are ringing. Win win!
Chad's training for me is the BEST, no nonsense, clear and precise teaching style. He walks his talk.

Phone Calls
Have Easily Tripled!
Works well for me
My business was already listed on Google Maps when I first caught wind of Chad's program. I had very limited success using maps until Chad woke me up to the true possibilities. I am now listed on maps all over my state and my phone calls have easily tripled. Chad's information has paid for itself many times over and you will always find something new and thought provoking from Chad, not the usual "guru" type garbage we see daily.

Within One Day,
I Am #1!
I own a few of Chad's products and I find that they all meet my criteria. The product must perform as advertised and the product must produce results. This product did exactly that for me.
I don't believe that Chad promises that it will do a great job with absolutely no effort. I have been doing Internet marketing for a while now, and my results are always generally in proportion to the effort I put into promotion.
If you're looking for a fast, simple way to get an incredible traffic flow with almost no effort, this is not the product for you. In addition, if that's your criteria, Internet marketing is going to disappoint you, no matter what products you buy.
For a test case, I decided to market my product in the largest city in the US, New York City. There are 5 boroughs in New York City, and people do not usually travel to another borough to shop, so for maximum coverage I decided to market in each borough.
I devoted an entire day per borough, following the steps in Chad's instructions. My experience has been that within 1 day of using the product in any location, I am #1 in the Google Maps box. In fact, in 3 of the boroughs in New York City, I am ahead of very large national chains.
One unexpected bonus is that Google apparently assumes that distance covered matters in what it puts in a 10-box, not borough location, so in Queens I am number 1 in the 10-box and my Brooklyn listing is number 7 in the same Queens 10-box.
I have had similar results with other Google Maps promotions that I have done for my Internet marketing customers.
Now a word about traffic. The whole purpose of Google Maps is to get you prominence on keywords that you would normally have zero hope of ranking for because you lack Page Rank and Authority. There is one other component to getting those viewers to click and come to you. The content of what you're posting. Being in the top 10 for heavy competition keywords is the crucial part of the Google Maps product and it does that very well. Traffic is dependent on what you say in that 10-box entry.
How many people that are unhappy with the product had reviews added for the 10-box listing? I always do that and get the #1 slot in a day or two for BOTH broad and phrase matches.
Do you check the OCI to make sure you're going after "buyer" keywords, rather than "looker" keywords? If you're number 1 in a "tire kicker" keyword, you're probably not going to get much traffic.
By the way, I'm going to commit heresy here, but I really don't believe those Google numbers for search volume. There's a self-serving motive to having nice numbers. I compare Googles numbers to lottery pronouncements of how many people won over $1 million. Nice, but only good information if I win over $1 million. The only real traffic numbers that count are the ones I actually get, and I work hard to keep them as high as I can.
Frankly, I have never been disappointed with a product that I bought from Chad. He spends a lot of time trying to find some really creative tweaks to help ranking and traffic counts, and I appreciate that.

Ranked 4th Within 2 Days w/o a Website!
OK, brevity being what it is… This is the real deal – I got listed & ranked 4th within 2 days w/o a website!
I’ve been in Real Estate over 30 years & can’t tell you how many thousands I have wasted on what turns out to be a worthless billboard with little activity. I had canned all my sites a year ago & just happened onto Chad recently….my lucky day!
’ll post all along the way as my successes mount – BUY THE COURSE if you care about your business!

- Brent Elzinga
My Site Is #1
In 3 Very Competitive Categories!
This program is outstanding
My site is #1 in three very competetive categories. The site I used was brand new so it took a couple of weeks for it to move through the rankings but everything you recommend really works. Thanks!

- Tom O'Reilly
Clients Now Listed For
High Traffic Keywords in Markets like Hotels and Law Firms!
Highly Recommend For Better Traffic
The software that Chad gives is extremely valuable all by itself, allowing you to discern which keywords are the best for your maps listings.
Our clients are now being listed for high traffic keywords even though their main domain name is not seo optimized. Understanding every component that is available to utilize in your optimization efforts is crucial, especially in competitive markets like hotels and law firms, which we have been focusing on.

Submitted 7 Listings Which
When I first downloaded the free google software and watched the basic videos... I was like wow... really simple stuff that doesn't take long to do... so I bought the google maps cash course for 250.
I watched most of the videos in one sitting and I had gotten very upset... as what I saw in the videos... seemed like to much work to do, something which I don't like to do in so far as with my computer goes...
Then after I calmed down and digested the information from the videos... I had to admit I was impressed with what the videos said you could do and was ready to give it a try.. but I'm lazy and I take shortcuts...
I set out to get a listing for a highly competitive keyword in a 10Box that was full in a major city... new york city.
The listing didn't happen right away and I got upset again and emailed Chad about it... his response didn't help me with the listing... however he did respond positively in another email in another direction.
Then in the second week when the listing still hadn't appeared... I became aware of what my mistake was that caused the verified listing to not appear in the 10Box... I logged into and corrected some mistakes, which were...
Do not link to any other website on your keyword optimized site, as the keyword of your links are non-relevant.
Then in the 3rd week I got an email from the client I did this for...
who simply said "just got my first call, Thanks".
I quickly headed over to google and entered the phrase from Chad's software... Boom there she was #3 in the 10Box which previously was full... yeah Google booted someone off this 10Box to put this listing in.. because in Chad's words... "Google deems the listing as the most relevant to the the search term".
So I did it again for another client... who had submitted and verified his listing to no avail, before he met me... I then built a simple website following Chad's instruction's and in two days the listing was alive... I then submitted 7 other listings for this client ... which appeared almost instantly.. all listings were keyword related to the 1st listing... one of these listing had a one box on it... which vanished, only to be replaced with a one box for my client... this client is paying me $650 for this...
Yes! I'm lazy and I don't like doing a lot of computer work... I used just one technique learned from Chad Kimball's Google Maps Cash Course... which works like Gang buster's... and ignored all the other stuff Chad said to do... and it works very, very well.
Thanks, Chad... and I believe I owe you something back...

After 1 Week I'm In The Map
For the Following Search Terms (and there is ONLY me) :
Bottom line: this stuff really works!
I just set up my Google Maps listing on February 10th or 11th (using the "secret sauce" that I learned about from you). I also used the special directory listing service that you recommend it submitted my business to about 40+ directories.
When I first started, there was a Google Map showing at three businesses, none of which were mine (as well as a link to over 100 businesses).
After ONE WEEK, there is only me (and no links to the 100+ businesses). I'm in the map for these search terms:
nu skin santa rosa
anti aging skin care santa rosa
anti aging skincare santa rosa
I had previously gotten Mirabella Organics in the number two spot for organic skin care santa rosa and organic skin care santa rosa. I had not done the directory listings for her, however. So, obviously the directory listing help!
There's tons more that can be done to strengthen my (or anyone else's) map listing such as more reviews, citations, social bookmarking the other directory listings, etc.
Bottom line: this stuff really works!
BTW, I'm trying to figure out if there is a way to make Google create a map where none currently exists. Is this in the Gray Hat or Black Hat versions? I've been working with the White Hat edition, which is obviously very effective!!!
I'm excited to be able to offer this service to local businesses.

-Kathleen Rhodes

If you want to take a shortcut to starting your online business, the fastest way is to simply schedule a breakthrough call with one of our coaches. I wish I would have talked with someone one on one when I was getting started, I could have skipped a lot of time wasting and expensive mistakes! Also, would have started me actually making significant money online much quicker.
- Chad
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